Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Helping Seniors Navigate Online Platforms

A lot of baby boomers have already adapted to the digital area. They utilize the glorious invention of smartphones and the internet to stay in touch with their family, friends, and community through various online platforms. However, there are still ...

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Preventing Infection Through Wound Care Management

No matter how minor a cut is, it is important to treat it with the utmost care, according to professionals from home healthcare in Temple Terrace, Florida. Minor wounds can still become a problem if they get infected. Seniors and individuals with di...

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The Benefits of Cooking at Home For Seniors

Most seniors find it troublesome to move around, care for themselves or cook meals. So often, they either engage home care provider services to help them out at home, eat at a restaurant, or order some delivery. If you’ve been eating fewe...

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How Can Seniors Benefit From Physical Therapy?

Most people think physical therapy is for people recovering from an illness or those who have sustained injuries. But it’s not. Physical therapy helps people understand the movements of their bodies so they can move and function better. Y...

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How Home Healthcare Improves Medication Compliance

Medication non-compliance is common among patients, especially those with chronic health conditions. Taking medication as prescribed is critical to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, prevent complications, and improve overall health. However,...

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Nutrition and Healing: How Home Healthcare Can Help

Good food is essential to maintain health, especially for those recovering from illness or injury. It is especially crucial for people who are receiving home healthcare. With the medical care and support our services provide, our home healthcare...

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